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Youth is the name British Triathlon gives to the race category for those who are 15 or 16 on the 31 December of the current year

The East Essex Tri Club League

The races listed in the Youth League Table make up the East Essex Tri Club Youth League.  Open to all Youth club members, there are a maximum of 7 scoring events of which the best triathlon, the best aquathlon or duathlon, the best run race, the best swim TT, the best bike TT and the best 2 other events (from any category) count.  Scoring is based on the winner getting maximum points and then for other competitors, points are awarded as a proportion of the winners time divided by their time.  It is therefore important that if you can't win the race to get as close as possible to the winner's time.  Points are awarded as follows:

Best Triathlons * Maximum 100 points *  Measured from category winner (from any club)    
Best Aquathlon / Duathlon Maximum 100 points  Measured from category winner (from any club) 
Best Run Maximum 80 points Measured from 1st EETC Youth    
Best Swim TT Maximum 80 points Measured from 1st EETC Youth
Best Bike TT Maximum 80 points Measured from 1st EETC Youth
Best 2x other events (any category)
Marshalling bonus 10 points per event At Basildon Aquathlon (TriStar) and Grays Tri
Total of 7 events (+ marashalling bonus)
* Club Champs Bonus Points: There will be 10 bonus points for all youths competing in the Youth Club Championships at Grays Tri

Please note that, whilst we have been very careful to record the results as accurately as possible, we do sometimes make mistakes.  If you spot any errors or omissions, or would like more information, please contact the Junior League administrator, Jenny Harley

The East Essex Junior Facebook group is available here

And East Essex Kids WhatsApp group here

British Triathlon's East Region Youth Junior Series

Races labelled EJS make up the East Region Junior Series.  To take part in the Series, athletes must also be a member of British Triathlon.  Full details can be found on the British Triathlon web site

Updates & entry information will be also be posted on the East Region Junior Tri Racing Facebook Group